Saturday, March 5, 2011

Five villages (300 acre from Kushtia) falsified by BSF

Bangladesh losing five villages (Mohammadpur, Chaidova, Dangerpara, Insapnagor and Purbokharjatak) from its country map. BSF does not allow local citizen to enter their land. Aksed ali, local farmer says; they are tensed because BSF entered Bangladesh territory and took our farming tools.

The BSF has interest in working to falsify maps to create complicated conspiracy, seize our farmers land and mobilize Indian farmers on to the falsely occupied land and start cultivating our land, Indian hegemonic attitudes: they are not only killing our people, but using the fertile land to benefit the Bharti farmers.
The people who live in enclaves do not see the borders. They speak the same language, eat the same food and live life without regard to the politicians in Dhaka and Delhi. But their grievance is lack of public services: with no education, infrastructure for water, electricity etc, they are as well not be citizens of India.

 Our government does not look into their living style because those citizens are barred to cast their vote against rolling Political party.

How to solve this dispute?.

References: Jahurul, I. (2011, March 01).Shimanter Pach Gram ki Bangladesher Manchitro Teke Harie Zabe.Bangladesh Protidin , p.9.

1 comment:

sharif said...

Govt.should focus on this issue & must take necessary steps.